Wednesday, October 6, 2010

honey macadamia ice cream

this second attempt at making ice cream had some surprising and delicious results but is yet to be tweaked to perfection...

you'll need

an ice cream maker

600ml cream
1/4 cup creamed honey
100g macadamias, roughly chopped

1. Warm cream and honey in a saucepan over low heat until honey has melted and combined with cream. Cover and refrigerate until cooled completely.
2. Add macadamias to cream mixture and pour into ice cream maker. Churn for 20 minutes or until desired consistency.

* Although this ice cream is delicious as is, it seems to have a slightly bitter after taste so I suggest trying the following alterations (and will keep you posted of my progress with same)-
a) roast the macadamias in the oven and cool before using
b) add icing sugar, 1 tbls at a time, as the ice cream churns, tasting after each addition to control sweetness.
c) as a last resort, serve the ice cream sprinkled with a little sugar - it works!

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